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Showing: 1 - 10 of 32 RESULTS
Solstice CelebrationSpiritual Life

Embrace the Radiant Bliss of Litha: A Summer Solstice Celebration!

Get ready to ignite your spirit as the joyous season of Litha, the summer solstice, approaches this week! This enchanting time invites us to bask in the radiant energy of …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound Healer, Druid, Spiritualist, Medium, Herbalist, HerbsSpiritual Life

The Ripple Effect: Our Interconnectedness and the Power of Our Action

Dear beloved community, Today, I am inspired to share with you the powerful message of interconnectedness and how our actions can impact the collective consciousness. As a Druid spiritualist mystic, …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound Healer, Druid, Spiritualist, Medium, Herbalist, HerbsSound Healing

Gongs: An introduction to Sound Healing

Gongs are an incredible tool for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. These powerful instruments have been used for thousands of years in various cultures around the world, …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound Healer, Druid, Spiritualist, Medium, Herbalist, HerbsSound Healing

Singing Pyramids: The Healing Power of Sound

Singing pyramids, also known as Tibetan singing bowls or just singing bowls, are a type of instrument that has been used for centuries in spiritual and healing practices. These bowls …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound Healer, Druid, Spiritualist, Medium, Herbalist, HerbsSound Healing

Koshi Chimes: An Introduction to Sound Healing

Sound healing is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. It involves using sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and …

Plant Medicine, Herbalist, Shamanic, DruidismPlant Medicine

Foraging for Salad Greens in Cambridge Ontario

Foraging for salad greens in Cambridge, Ontario is not only a fun activity but also an opportunity to connect with nature, promote sustainability and improve your overall health. As an …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound Healer, Druid, Spiritualist, Medium, Herbalist, HerbsPlant Medicine

Foraging for Mushroom in Cambridge Ontario

As an herbalist, I am passionate about promoting sustainable and ecologically conscious foraging practices. Foraging for mushrooms can be an exciting and rewarding activity, but it’s important to approach it …

Plant Medicine, shamanic, Sound Healing, Sound HealerPlant Medicine

Foraging for Leeks in Cambridge Ontario

Foraging for wild leeks, also known as ramps, can be a fun and rewarding experience for herbalists and nature enthusiasts in Cambridge, Ontario. However, it’s important to approach this activity …

Plant Medicine, Herbalist, Shamanic, DruidismPlant Medicine

Dandelions are wonderful medicine not pesky weeds

Dandelions, often considered a pesky weed, are actually a powerful and versatile plant that has been used for centuries in herbal medicine. As an herbalist, I am excited to share …